You agree to pay any shipping and handling charges, if any, shown at the time you make a purchase. You may not enter into any contract on our behalf or bind us in any way. Your subsequent shipments may be charged and shipped up to two 2 days early to accommodate holidays or for other operational reasons to support continuity of treatment. Failure to do so could result in unnecessary complications, such as continued billings or the possibility of not being able to cancel the service at all. To help protect the privacy of data you transmit through the Service, where personally identifiable information is requested, we also use technology designed to encrypt the information that you input before it is sent to us using Secure Sockets Layer SSL technology or similar encryption technology. If any of the products in your order are unavailable, we will only charge the prices, Taxes and other applicable charges associated with the products that are included in the shipment. My stories celebrate its vast deserts, rich heritage, and urban buzz.Click on the “Reactivate subscription” button for the product you would like to reactivate. This should prompt a small window to pop-up on your screen asking you to confirm this Missing: reddit. You can cancel your subscription or change your next refill process date at any time, but we ask that you send us a clear request at least 48 hours prior to your next order Missing: reddit. A pop-up will appear with a list of items if your subscription is for a kit or bundle. To add or keep an item, make sure it’s selected (has a check-mark). To remove .

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